Jun 23, 2010

Everyone's Favorite - More Lists!

I'm going to go ahead and agree with Dave: football has taken over as America's game. Baseball may still be known as the Great American Past Time, and Soccer is without a doubt the most popular game in the world, but Football has transcended all other sports to become America's game today.

Don't believe me? Name one other sport where the off season is so tantalizingly long that TV and radio make a national event of the sport's draft's pregame. Baseball's draft is literally over 10x longer than football's and it isn't even televised. Aside from the obvious talks of John Wall going to Washington, I've only seen one piece on ESPN in recent memory focusing on the NBA draft and it's happening tomorrow. I did watch a 2 hour special on the NBA draft on the NBA network yesterday but what else are they supposed to show? It's the NBA network.

And let's not forget the day the NFL schedule came out...essentially another night of prime time television dedicated to football - in April. Football has consumed the minds of American sports fans in recent years...myself included. Football is like a not-so-secret love affair...I have to schedule around work and my girlfriend to make time for it a few days a week. Actually, it's probably more like a second penis...because I definitely catch a little mahogany every time my Dolphins score! All kidding aside, I'm psyched up about football...obviously. Less than 2 months to go and I can't wait! So lets continue the psychosis and talk more football lists:

Best Running Back Corp:

1.) Baltimore Ravens: Baltimore's just nasty this year. Ray Rice established himself as one of the elite running backs in the league last year. Seriously, if you think Adrian Peterson's #1, Chris Johnson's #2 (or visa versa), Ray Rice could/should be #3 on that list. Willis McGahee's still got gas left in the tank, too. He proved that last year when he racked up 14 total touchdowns. Tack on the 2-time Pro Bowl fullback, Le'Ron McLain, and it's hard to see anyone stopping this running attack. And since they upgraded their passing attack, this team may be the most well-balanced offensive squad in the league.

2.) Dallas Cowboys: With a terrific balance of power and speed, Marion Barber and Felix Jones show Dallas their impression of Thunder and Lightning. Paired with Tashard Choice, these 3 guys ran up 2000 yards last season alone. The NFL's 7th best team on the ground, the Cowboys are always fun to watch and this year will be no different. Look for Felix Jones to see more carries this year. I feel like he's poised for a breakout. Who would have thought his numbers would be better than Darren McFadden's so far?

3.) Carolina Panthers: Where my top 2 teams are 3-headed at running back, the Panthers are more of a 1-2 punch kind of team on the ground. Make no mistake though...DeAngelo Williams and Jonathan Stewart are powerful punches. Not many teams can say they have 2 1000-yard rushers...Carolina had 2 1100-yard rushers last season. Not bad considering Williams got his 1100 in 13 games. Correct me if I'm wrong, but dual 1000 yard rushers hasn't happened in 25 years and has only happened 4 times total. Very impressive. With quarterback issues and Steve Smith breaking his arm playing checkers, expect to see even more from this tandem this season.

Honorable mentions: NY Giants, Washington Redskins, Miami Dolphins

Running Back with Best Resurgence

1.) Matt Forte: From here on out, I'm making it my duty to convince as many people as I can that Matt Forte is for real. I honestly believe he is. Remember when he was going 4/5/6 in your fantasy leagues last year? He's still the same running back you drafted then! His problem in 2009 was his quarterback. Jay Cutler turned the ball over more times than an Allen Iverson crossover. It's kind of hard to accumulate stats when the other team has the ball. Hopefully this year Cutler will tame his ego, realize he is head of a run-first offense, and let Forte do his thing. My prediction: Cutler settles down in his second season in this offense, the Bears run 75% of their offense through Forte, Brian Westbrook style, and Forte has a huge season.

2.) Ladainian Tomlinson: If this pick doesn't work out, Dave will never let me live it down! I'm still an LT supporter...and in my opinion it's hard to say he'll have a bad year when he'll be running behind the best offensive line in the AFC. And consider this: he gets to play the 30th ranked (Buffalo) and the 18th ranked (Miami) rushing defenses twice. I would not be surprised with a 900 yard 10 touchdown performance in 2010.

3.) Frank Gore: Ok, I guess if he has a good year it wouldn't be considered a resurgence, but I'm just hoping one of my favorite backs in the league can stay healthy for an entire season. With more focus being put on the passing game with Michael Crabtree stretching the field and the emergence of Vernon Davis as a pass-catching tight end, I can only assume Frank stands a good chance of doing just that this year. Also, I look for Glen Coffee to give him some much needed rest on third down.

Honorable mentions: Larry Johnson, Marshawn Lynch

Most Improved Team (Win Column)

1.) Washington Redskins: If you haven't realized this yet, you're either oblivious to the game of football, or you're a Cowboys fan...which quite possibly means both would apply to you.

2.) Tennessee Titans: In case you forgot, the Titans finished 2009 winning 8 of their last 10. Unfortunately for them, they started 0-6. Provided Chris Johnson gives comparable effort to what he accomplished last year and Vince Young doesn't try to kill himself again, the Titans should pick up right where they left off. They get the Raiders, the quarterback-less Steelers, and the Broncos at home for their first 3 home games.

3.) Baltimore Ravens: Can 2 teams from the AFC play in the Superbowl? Because I want to put The Ravens and the Jets in there together. It's hard to improve that much on a 9-7 season, but honestly I expect nothing short of 12 wins from Baltimore this season. That should give them a bye and at least 1 home field playoff game. Disagree? How can you? I just finished explaining how they have the best running attack in football! They have an ever-maturing quarterback with a sweet receiving corp, and lets not forget an aging, but still scarily good defense. All the elements are there...just wait and see. Plus, it doesn't hurt they get to play the Browns and the Steelers twice, (yes, I'm implying what you think I'm implying!).

Honorable mentions: St. Louis Rams, Detroit Lions (these because of simple math), Miami Dolphins: too much talent there to win only 7 games, and NY Jets: they play a tough division...but since they won 9 games last year I'm saying they win 11 this year.

I would give you more, but I'm nearing the end of my summer session of Organic Chemistry...more to come when I'm done!

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