Jul 1, 2010

NFL Picks: Lock 'em up!

Dave brought up a good point...when ranking NFL teams 1-32, it's pretty easy to list the top tier teams. It's probably easier to list the worst teams in the league...but how can anyone predict the middle guys? How can the 'experts' argue that the 22th ranked Seahawks are one team better than the 23th ranked Jaguars? What criteria do they use to make their decisions about, say, teams 12-24? With the Seahawks / Jags example, these two teams aren't even in the same conference...they don't even play each other. They don't even play the same opponents! There's absolutely no way to compare the two. The Seahawks have harder-to-pronounce names so they get the nod.

I've decided to go about this in a different way. Instead of one 32-team list, I'll give you 8 4-team lists: a breakdown of every division in football. 1-4, best to worst. Then Dave will tell me why I'm wrong about the Jets.

1.) New York Jets: If you've read this blog since its inception, you know my true feelings about Dirty Sanchez. But ultimately, Rex Ryan has given him a great chance to succeed because of the excellent team he's built around him. With 1 more year of experience, Sanchez will have a great offensive line which will translate into plenty of time in the pocket which will translate into less interceptions this year. They have a solid running game...yes, I am an LT supporter...and they upgraded their receiving corp starting week 5. And you can't not mention their defense. In 1 word: smothering. I really don't know how anybody is going to score on them. Except for the Dolphins, of course.

2.) Miami Dolphins: I've gone back and forth putting the Dolphins at 2 or 3 in the East. I'm honestly trying to be objective here! But I'm putting them at 2. Final answer! Let's assume Ronnie Brown stays healthy for the season, the Dolphins will have a beast of a running game. And with the Wildcat, a very unpredictable one at that. Add to the mix a quarterback with a bazooka for a right arm entering his 2nd year as a starter (technically), the acquisition of Brandon Marshall to stretch the field and back those safeties out of the box, and the new class of pass rushers led by Jarad Odrick, the Dolphins are smelling playoffs again.

3.) New England Patriots: Since I settled on putting the Dolphins at 2, the Patriots fall to 3. Call me crazy, but I just don't see the spark in this team anymore. Remember last season when the Ravens were up on them in the playoffs 24-0 in the first quarter? That's what I'm talking about. Belichick's 'addition by subtraction' mantra seems to have been working for the better part of a decade. But consider this: maybe his method isn't working...Maybe the Patriots were just ridiculously stacked in '07 and have been getting progressively worse every year since. No run game, a banged up Wes Welker, an aging Randy Moss, and a defense that's an ever-growing liability. Tom Brady better get some confidence in his plant foot, he'll be throwing every down (shocker!). But if he goes down, think about it...how could anyone call the Patriots a powerhouse? Answer: they can't, because they're not anymore.

4.) Buffalo Bills: No line, no quarterback, 2 descent running backs...so what do the Bills do? Draft C.J. Spiller! I LOLed when that happened. "...the Buffalo Bills select: C.J. Spiller!" He was the only draftee to cringe when he heard his name called. When he was handed his Bills hat, I seriously thought he was going to stand up from his seat, yell out "no thanks, I'm good!" and sit back down. Anyway, the Bills have more holes that need to be filled than a D.C. hooker. Personally, I think they should go back to the no-huddle. Cut their playbook in half, or even a quarter, and catch the opposing defense napping. This is probably the easiest, most efficient way to get the best product out of mediocre talent. But who am I kidding...this team is in disarray. My gut tells me the Bills win 4 games this year.

1.) Indianapolis Colts: Needs no explanation. High-powered offense will lead to plenty of scores which will translate into plenty of wins.

2.) Houston Texans: I feel like this is the Texans' year. How have they never made the playoffs before? Let's think about this for a second...They have the league's best receiver and multiple good options after him, a 4000 yard quarterback, and a beast pass rush. All they really need is for one of their running backs to emerge from the committee and claim his spot as the team's stud and they're set. Look for a Steve Slaton spotting this year. I'm calling it now: the Texans make the playoffs in 2010.

3.) Tennessee Titans: Like I've said before, these guys should start right where they left off last season. The only problem I see for the Titans (besides the 11 guys that play defense for them) is they are in the Colts division. They will max out as a wild card team until Peyton Manning retires. A great running game can't get you but so far.

4.) Jacksonville Jaguars: I hate putting the Jags last in their division, Keep in mind, this is a really good division by the way! But I see issues at receiver, quarterback, running back depth, secondary, pass rush...the list goes on and on. God forbid Jones-Drew goes down. And don't look for any help from their rookie class, either.

1.) Dallas Cowboys: I'm going with the popular pick in the East. On paper, the 'boys have it all. Unfortunately, paper is all we have to go on at this point. But think about this: Barber/Jones/Choice on the ground, Austin/Williams/Bryant through the air, Romo at QB, Witten at Tight End...wow. Now that's a team! They had a great offensive line last year, if they can replace Flozell Adams at left tackle their prowess should translate to a successful season this year. On the other side of the ball, did you know Dallas gave up the second fewest points per game in the league last year at 15.6? This team is impressive. Period. Plus, they're hosting the Superbowl this year which should be added motivation to anyone in that locker room with a pulse.

2.) Washington Redskins: Not to beat a dead horse, but I believe the Skins turn things around this year with all their newly-acquired senior citizens. They start the season at home against Dallas. That game will be the measuring stick Washington uses against the rest of the league. No getting around it, they have a tough schedule this year: they get Dallas, Houston, Philadelphia, Green Bay, Indianapolis, and Chicago to start the season, (I'm giving them wins against St. Louis and Detroit). The Redskins will find a way to win half of these games, I'm calling for an 8-8 / 9-7 season. An upgrade at receiver could buy them a couple more wins. Vincent Jackson rumors are swirling...T.O. still unsigned...something's brewing in Washington, I can taste it!

3.) New York Giants: Despite the Superbowl win, it seems like the Giants are the team people forget about in the East. They will be solid, but when you give up nearly 27 points per game, it's hard to win in any division. Their pass rush will be better/healthier/younger, their secondary gets upgraded with the addition of Antrel Rolle, but their offense remains the same. Giants fans, don't be mad, your team will win some games, just not as many as Cowboys' fans' team.

4.) Philadelphia Eagles: Worst case/insanely funny scenario: Vick gets suspended for the year, Kolb gets knocked out in game 1, they send in Mike Kafka to be a human punching bag for the rest of the season. Still glad McNabb's gone guys? With a situation like this, there's no way for anyone to know how Kevin Kolb will perform. Accurately predicting the Eagles' season is pretty much impossible at this point. I'm simply looking at their divisional competition which is pretty stiff this season. Phili comes into this season extremely inexperienced on offense...I see a 6 win season in their future.

1.) Minnesota Brett Favres: Just like the Eagles, this is a tough one to call until all the facts are in. But regardless of whether or not Favre comes back, the Vikes are still the best team in the North. The offense is loaded, the defense is loaded...but Favre will be the key to winning multiple playoff games. They get there without him, they go farther with him. No offense Tarvaris!

2.) Green Bay Packers: I foresee this year to be a repeat of last year, Aaron Rodgers better buy stock in clorox because his jersey's going to be dirty all season long. Bryan Bulaga will get used like a turnstile...the Packers' saving grace is the massive amount of dreadlocks in the secondary. That alone should win them some games.

3.) Chicago Bears: The Bears will improve, but with the Vikings and the Packers in the same division, these guys are destined to be a .500 team. There's no way Cutler throws as many interceptions as he did last year. There's no way Forte no-shows 2 years in a row. They have potential, but with an aged, injury-prone defense and questionable talent at receiver, Chicago tops out at 8 wins this season.

4.) Detroit Lions: I feel so sorry for Calvin Johnson. Can he be part of the NBA summit currently in progress? Because I'm pretty sure he's not happy winning 2 games total during the past 2 seasons. I have to give Detroit credit, they're making strides. But they're still several years away from establishing a solid running game/offensive line. Also, I'm pretty sure they only play 10 guys on defense. They might want to look into that. The Lions play the Rams, Bills and Bucs so I'm giving them 3 wins on the season. 1 more, by the way, than their last 2 seasons combined.

From Dave:

Chuck gave me the pleasure of breaking down the NFC West and South, AFC North and AFC West. Since all my favorite teams and Super Bowl picks are involved here, this works out well. Thanks Chuck! Unfortunately, your reward is going to be me blasting your opinions. Hey, I'm in Chestertown, Maryland, I feel the need to be a little frisky for once.

I'm not certain on your playoff picks Chuck, but If you have the Jets, Dolphins, Colts and Texans in the playoffs already, then that leaves the Patriots out. I could be wrong(not likely), but the Pats have won 107 games(thanks profootball-reference.com!) since 2001, with the same QB, coach, running game and special teams every year. Sure the defense has gotten worse, but teams that provide consistency will always produce wins. In my opinion, I'd have the Patriots winning the division again, and I'm willing to bet a dinner on it.

The Jets remind me a little too much of the 2001 Ravens, a team that relied on the running attack and defense to win the previous Super Bowl in 2000. That particular team brought in Elvis Grbac to give them a complementary passing attack, and the team got away from what it did best, rush the football. The Jets ran the ball better than anyone else last year and played better defense, so why bring in receivers when the Dirty Sanchise is capable of throwing 5 picks vs the Bills(this really happened) and give away your best lineman(Alan Faneca) and best running back(Thomas Jones)? I do not like this recipe for the Jets. It's also not helping that Revis Island wants more money. Sure he's the best, but contract stuff should be kept behind closed doors.

As for the Dolphins, just this once I'll let your Dolphin bias get in the way because I like them for 9-7 - 10-6 type season as well, and they will battle the Jets for a Wild Card spot, assuming Ronnie Brown stays healthy(no more than 14 games in a season since '05). One thing we can agree on in the AFC East, the Bills stink. Badly.

1.) Baltimore Ravens: This team is officially in the Elite of the AFC now, joining the Colts, Chargers and Patriots and replacing the Steelers(sorry, I had to.) Everything looks up, as I've covered before. The one flaw? The secondary. It didn't look good last year, and Ed Reed's health isn't making any one feel any better. The Colts will still beat them, but unfortunately, the Colts will probably choke before then.

2.) Cincinnati Bengals: Big drop off in this division starting here. The Bengals were a momentum team last year. What does this mean? They snuck up on better teams early on(Packers and Ravens), got their confidence up, won a few games vs inferior competition, peaked too early, got trounced in the last few weeks of the season. I have a tough time believing the same team can go 10-6 again. I'm thinking more like 6-10 this year. Cedric Benson's troubles coupled with the passing game woes multiplied by an overrated defense equals disaster. Great news for them, the Steelers are on the sked twice, as well as the schedule-friendly Browns.

3.) Pittsburgh Steelers: I will not subject you to my bashing of the Steelers. I do not like them. They will stink this year. There ya go, tell your friends.

4.) Cleveland Browns: Not as an easy cop out, but I'll make this real quick for you.
Good things: Josh Cribbs, Jerome Harrison, Mike Holmgren's mustache
Bad things(edited for space) - Jake Delhomme, Seneca Wallace, wide receiving corp, the defense, the coach, the offensive line, their schedule(should be UFL competition for fairness), their town(as of July 1st, about to lose Lebron, probably not a confidence helper), their fans(loyal yet fed up).

1.) San Diego Chargers: I'd say I like everything about this team except for Shawne Merriman and Nate Kaeding. Honestly that's it(excluding the fact that they get to beat the Raiders at home by 40 again.) I like the rookie Ryan Matthews over LT as a huge upgrade and the defense should be friskier than ever. Their season still all depends on the Vincent Jackson brewing that's going on currently. I'd call him a difference maker for a win or two. The passing game will thrive either way, just wouldn't be as explosive. I guess we know who's better between Phillip Rivers and Jay Cutler now after last year.

2.) Oakland Raiders: Bad news Raiders fans. Not only am I one of the last remaining fans, but I think they're going to win 8-9 games. Seeing how I'm never right, this might lead to the first negative win season, bad times. In a related story, Jamarcus Leaf, er, Russell is gone and that's worth a few wins right there. Jason Campbell may not be great at times, but at least he'll be a much needed spark and a breath of fresh air. If their line can protect, they might make the playoffs with running backs like Michael Bush and Darren McFadden. The defense should be middle of the road again and hopefully not a liability. I have to stop typing about them now since I just said the words "Raiders" and "playoffs" in the same sentence.

3.) Denver Broncos: I feel so bad for Brady Quinn, like extremely bad. The NFL season of 2006 was considered the Brady Quinn Sweepstakes at times. He had the perfect size, an NFL style coach and a cannon for an arm, but apparently since Jamarcus outplayed him in the Sugar Bowl, he went 23rd. Then he got stuck on the Browns, who just resigned Derek Anderson. He shined for a few games there, then got dumped to the Broncos where he should have gotten his opportunity. Now they draft Tim Tebow, and have Kyle Orton, to compete with Brady Quinn for the job. One word of advice Denver, start this man or forever hold your peace. I'd talk about the rest of the team but no one knows anyone else on the roster besides soon-to-be fantasy stud Knowshon Moreno. Good luck getting to 6 wins, Josh McDaniels.

4.) Kansas City Chiefs I really want to move them ahead of the Broncos, but I don't know what to expect from all their young talent. They got a one year wonder at QB, a decent running back(Jamal Charles) and two above average receivers(Chambers and Bowe.) All of their success depends on how well the defense comes around. You have to give them a little faith this year, because this is exactly how the Patriots built their teams before their dynasty run. Let this thing breathe, Chief fans. Good things may be coming soon.

1.) Atlanta Falcons: I'm picking them to win the Super Bowl this year, but I'm leaving a window of three years for them to win one. I covered them earlier, but it warrants mentioning, their underrated coach will be worth a few wins at least this year. Trust me now, so I won't say "I told you so" later.

2.) New Orleans Saints: Expect a hot start from them, then a quicker fade. Expect 10 wins from them. Expect a playoff appearance from them. Expect a better year from Reggie Bush this year. Expect 4500 yards from Drew Brees this year. DO NOT however expect them to win any playoff games this year. Year-after syndrome normally hits home in December.

3.) Carolina Panthers: Consider the following at your own risk:
2003 - Super Bowl appearance
2004 - started 1-7
2005 - Lost NFC Championship game
2006 - 8-8
2007- 7-9
2008 - 13-3
2009 - 8-8
Now, consider this. they drafted 3 quarterbacks. They have the best running game in the league. Their defense will be much improved after losing key DL from a year ago. Their biggest problem? Playing the Saints and Falcons twice with a rookie QB. They will look better on the field for 2010, but unfortunately, their W-L will not show the same. 9-7, book it now.

4.) Tampa Bay Buccaneers: See Kansas City Chiefs. Then add a tougher division. Then take away their high quality receivers, add an incompetent coach, sprinkle in an already declining defense and guess what? (I promised myself I wouldn't do this, but...) LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, YOUR 2010 TAMPA BAY BUCS! For further evidence on this upcoming season, see the 2008 Detroit Lions, who is the only team to go 0-16 in one year.

1.) San Fransisco 49ers: They will win 11 games this year. Alex Smith will remove the bust label. Vernon Davis will keep working hard. Michael Crabtree will flap his gums like Chad Ochocinco Johnson did in 2003. The defense will be great with the Singletary/Pat Willis combo. NFC West fans, you finally have an above average team.

2.) Arizona Cardinals: I used to enjoy watching this team play. They made me many dollars during the 2008 Super Bowl run. They now have Matt Leinart and Joey Porter as their leaders. One good question will be answered after this year, just how good is Larry Fitzgerald? We shall see, I'm thinking 6-10.

3.) Seattle Seahawks: I don't have any facts, this team bores me. Hasselbeck is old, running game unproven, defense is shaky, yada yada yada, 6-10.

4.) St. Louis Rams: 6 wins in 3 years, Sam Bradford, an aging Steven Jackson and a matador disguised as the Rams defense. One positive: Lots of building blocks to put them in contention in 2013. Follow-up to the One Positive: This is the 2010 season. I told you this division bored me.

1 comment:

  1. The Falcons??!? I can say I told you so now. Book closed on Atlanta.
